Goldcore Specifications
Description: Superior-quality lightweight plywood. Natural, peeled veneer
producing a lightweight stable flat panel.
Size: 2440mm x 1220mm
Colour: Mid-brown/pink faces with golden core
Texture: Even medium texture. Slightly grainy, semi-lustrous surface.
Grade: ‘A’ grade, BS1088 (LW) marine certified.
Density: Average 400kg/m3
Strength: F7
Formaldehyde Emission E0 (Based on independent testing
to EN717-2 1995 Wood Based Panels- Determination of Formaldehyde Release and AS/NZS 2098.11:2005 Formaldehyde Emission- Japanese Desiccator Method)
Gluing: Marine plenolic formaldehyde resin, WBP of 72 hour boil test
Durability: Non-durable. Untreated. NB: Exterior or Marine plywood’s are
not required to be naturally durable. It is required that standard
trade practice of applying preservative compounds, sealers or
paint to face surfaces and edges be carried out to avoid
moisture ingress.